Introducing Paramedic Basics
The idea for Paramedic Basics was born out of the desire to have easy access to my personal study notes, which have grown over time from undergraduate level university study, to post-graduate and then on-road practice. In that time these notes have expanded from bland dot point in a Word document to now encompass whiteboards, social media posts, videos and more.

My name is Mike Fox – I’m an Advance Life Support Paramedic employed by Ambulance Victoria, based in Melbourne, Australia. I have a keen interest in paramedic practice, particularly education, major incidents and expanding the role of paramedics.
Prior to working as a paramedic, I was a registered nurse for five years in a metropolitan emergency department, completing my Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing (Emergency) in 2017. With over five years experience as a paramedic, I am employed as a Clinical Instructor, and also teach undergraduate paramedics at a local university.
Please note that whilst the content on this page is prepared with the utmost care and attention to detail, it does not replace your local policies and procedures. Please use this material as a starting point for further study, or to refresh previously learnt concepts. Also note that the views/content expressed here are mine alone, and not representative of my employer.